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Den Clyn

Den Clyn

Dan Clyn was born in Lincolnshire and still lives in the county today. As a young boy I found the medieval period captivating. The thoughts of knights and visions of castles made make believe easy. Ever since those days, right through my teens and adult life I found reading non-fiction on the period interesting and intriguing.

At the end of 2019 I had started having problems with my eyesight and within three months I had become severely visually impaired. Within a short period of time my life had completely changed, I was unable to do most of the things in life that I really enjoyed. My enjoyment has turned to fiction, and I write adventure-romance novels set in the medieval period. When I say it out loud, it seems crazy to me that after losing my sight writing became my salvation. I have plenty of thinking (or dreaming) time, but it is difficult to get words on paper. Thankfully with some in built features in my computer software and with other aids, I can write the draft. I use text to audible to help me edit my work before it is passed on for a proper edit.

By the time I published my first novel, Madfelt, in February 2022 I had already written a further four draft novels in the Leopold Series. I have now started a second series called Fiskenwald Love Series and the first novel, Smoked Fish and an Eel, was published in June 2022. I spend much time on my novels as my head is awash with storylines. Writing gives me much pleasure and I find it very rewarding, whether sales are good or bad!

Since losing my eyesight I live in a world quite different to the one that sighted people know. Life for me is easier in the world contained in my mind, one I immerse myself in, a world of make believe.

Warm Wishes


Author Websites


Leopold Destiny in Doubt by Den Clyn
Leopold Madfelt by Den Clyn
Smoked Fish and an Eel by Den Clyn